Hello readers. Sorry for being a bit late this month with the post. I have been very busy howling at the moon but there is still plenty of time for you to join in and enjoy Wolf Moon month.
This month is the time of the year when the winds of change are blowing. The dark times are shortening but summer is not yet here. The earth and everything upon her is shifting, preparing for the coming spring. This is an “in between time,” a period of transition and anticipation of the promise of what is to come. The animal totem for this season is wolf, the mineral ally jade. The clan is frog, the plant is plantain. And, for the musicians out there, the key is F sharp.
This cycle is affiliated with the north wind, which is associated with wisdom and knowledge, the action of purity and renewal. The element air is associated with the power of the mind. Thus, the blustery winds is a time for cleansing ourselves of negative thought forms to make way for the new creative energies of spring. While in the blustery wind, it is good to watch one’s thoughts, watching for the answer to “what holds me back?” As you stalk your thoughts, you may find worry, anxiety, fear, envy and other thoughts cluttering your mind like debris.
Because this is a time where air and water meet, the energy is supportive of bringing the mind and feelings into balance. Indeed, this is a large part of its very purpose. The mind is dispassionate, analytical, while the heart can be passionate and irrational. As water needs air and air needs water so, too, does the mind need the emotions and emotions the mind. The purpose of blustery wind is to allow us to make this connection and find the harmony.
Wolf as Teacher
Wolf is an interesting balance of yin and yang. On the one hand, wolves are friendly, playful, and known for their strong family ties. Wolves move, hunt and live in packs, mate for life, and care for their pups as a family. And, like a tribe, wolves will even care for the young of others if something should happen to the parents. Conversely, wolves also have a fierce individuistic drive; hence the term “lone wolf.”
The image of wolf that often comes to mind is wolf baying at the moon. Wolves are attracted to the moon and governed by its power as an ally. This association of wolf with the moon caused northern American natives to associate it with the spiritual characteristics of the moon: psychic energy and the realm of the unconscious from which proceeds deep knowledge and wisdom. Because of this, wolf became known as a teacher.
If wolf medicine is speaking to you – either in the physical, in dreams or other symbols – it may be a message that it is time for you to seek the teachings that you need. These could come to you from the Teacher in yourself, in Nature, or in others. Wolf is a pathfinder and, sometimes, wolf comes to guide us to our own pathfinders: elders, shamans, or others whose wisdom and experience is greater than our own. Wolf can also provide the courage and vitality to share your own wisdom and knowledge, inspiring us to write, offer workshops, or partake in other venues of teaching. Wolf may also be urging us to look to our own families. What needs attention in our own tribe? Wolf knows how to adapt and live in constant companionship and can teach powerful lessons in right relationship.
The month of Wolf moon is a good time to ask ourselves what is lacking, personally and communally. What do you want to learn? What do you seek? Are your relationships strong and affectionate, or weak, distant; stressed? Now is the time to receive wolf medicine, asking wolf to bring you the teachings you need. And don’t forget to occasionally be a “lone wolf.” Take some personal time to soak in the energy and howl at the moon.
Jade as Ally
Jade, has been a mineral ally to humans for literally thousands of years. In Asia it was much revered as a stone that brought both health and good luck; hence, the Buddhist monks and Tibetan shamans used it to carve talismans of good will. Today, it remains a prized mineral in much of Eastern world.
Jade is associated with the root and crown chakras and can be used in both physical and spiritual endeavors. Physically, it is associated with the immune system, thymus, heart, kidney and nervous system and is believed to stimulate white blood cell and adrenaline production. Mentally, it is associated with practicality, wisdom, tolerance and peace. It is often prescribed for people with stress in theirs lives, including busy parents, as it can aid in reducing stress as well as eliminating fear and negative thoughts. For this reason, it makes excellent prayer beads and is an effective “worry stone.” (Personally, I do not like the term “worry stone”, as we create what we think about. I prefer to call such pieces helpers, allies, or friends.) Jade can also aid in lightwork toward world peace and is a good stone for environmentalists, as it promotes earth healing and compassion for “all our relations” on the planet. Jade is further believed to bring harmony to body, mind, and spirit, helping one find balance between his/her various needs. Spiritually, it is associated with the Mayan Dreamtime and is believed to assist one in entering realms of the ancient elders.
Jade comes in many colors, including green, red, purple and yellow, with differing uses associated with each color. My own experience is to use green for good health and red or yellow for prosperity but always listen to the stone and what it is telling you.
Frog Clan
As might be expected, the frog clan is associated with the element water. During its life cycle, frogs go through several phases, morphing from swimming tadpoles to four-legged creatures that can take to the land. Because of this adaptability, its ability to fit into any environment, frog became associated with the flexibility of elemental water.
Frog clan people like to “go with the flow,” preferring malleable situations to rigid structures. They are deep feeling and can experience strong empathy for others. Understandably, frog people find water soothing and love to be near lakes, rivers, the ocean or any water. People of the frog clan often have a mission to stand as ally to the waters of the world, fighting to preserve them.
If you are part of the frog clan, you may want to ask yourself if you are getting too bogged down in the mud of your feelings, or are in need of jumping into some fresh creative waters. Are you swimming in your emotions, enjoying the flow? Or have you been out of the water too long and become “dry” and stale? Remember that you are part of the water clan and need to return often to your feelings and deep intuitions. Honor them and find cleansing and refreshment in the deep waters of your soul.
As always, please feel free to write in with any questions you would like to see addressed in this blog. Until next time, may you be filled with light and love, giving and receiving any and all teachings you need for the higher good. Ho!