Welcome to spring! At this time of the year all that seemed dead and forgotten springs back to life, bringing exuberant energy and hope, fulfilling the promise of new life in the life-death-life cycle. Natives called this cycle "The Awakening Time" and aptly so, as all is awakening from winter’s dormant, quiet slumber. The totem for this cycle is Red Hawk, the mineral is Opal, the clan is also Hawk, and the plant is the fun and fabulous Dandelion. Fire is the elemental influence and northeast is the direction, with easterly winds prevailing.
Awakening Time People
People born at this time are like the plants and trees of spring which push up their first shoots and blossoms, full of life, yet not fully aware of all that is around them. Their initial task, as they shoot up from this slumber, is to dynamically express themselves and their own individuality. Hence, those born at this time are great starters, pioneering people subject to flashes of intuition, who blaze new trials for others to follow. They’re weak on follow-through, however, and need the advice of others to help them fully develop their intuition. One of their tasks in life, therefore, is to learn to be true to themselves while simultaneously discovering the lessons of inter-dependence, learning that others are needed on life’s path. This will help them move beyond bud to full flowering. The influence of Falcon – related to the mythical phoenix which rises from the ashes in brilliant, radiant energy -- is strong in these people, driving them to seek the prey of new ideas and projects. Hawk, the other totem animal for this cycle, helps bring more grounding and balance to the flighty start-but-not-finish Falcon energy.
Totem Animals
The totems for this cycle are Falcon and Hawk. Falcon is similar to hawk, except that it is more flighty and inconstant. Hence, I prefer to utilize hawk medicine. Because of the importance of Hawk and all the lessons it has to teach, I have written a separate blog for hawk medicine so please refer to that blog for more information.
Awakening Time Clan
The clan for this cycle is also hawk. The Hawk Clan is considered the leaders, the inspirers, the trail blazers of the community. With the heat of their own fire, they set activities into motion. Since fire is the elemental influence of this cycle, they must be careful, however, to not become too intense and burn out themselves or others in their path of flight.
Totem Mineral
The mineral for this cycle is Opal. Opal is a milky, translucent stone that comes from hot places where there is a lot of pressure. Hence, opal is considered a great stone for use by people undergoing pressure from the “fiery trials” of life. Ancients regarded opal as solidified cosmic light and it is said to contain cosmic rays that amplify the energy of the person holding it. Opal is, therefore, not considered a good stone to wear. Rather, it should be held with the intent to bring to light one’s true feelings and to assist one in harmonizing one’s fiery emotions. Because opal actually contains some water, some native tribes considered fire opal the “fire that spreads like water” and believed opal should be used by those whose fire springs from the watery emotions. If you’re given to drama or feel you have little control of your emotions, this stone may be of aid in your quest to dowse the fire a bit and find harmony.
Totem Plant
Although I have spent a good deal of time working with plant spirits, I don’t tend to write much about them. The plant for this cycle, however, should not be overlooked. Dandelion, the bane of lawn-keepers and the joy of children everywhere, is one of the most wondrous plants at our disposal.
Classes in Permaculture, as well as foraging for wild foods, teach that dandelion is one of the best plants out there for humans and for the earth. Every part is edible; containing huge bunches of vitamins A, B, and C, as well as calcium, iron and phosphorus. Dandelion is a blood purifier and acts as a general tonic and stimulant. It promotes the formation of bile, helps remove toxins, and the root can be used as a healthy coffee substitute. Furthermore, its taproot assists in breaking up hard soils, allowing nutrients in the earth to be recycled, making them more available to all plants. As if that weren’t enough, who can resist those bright yellow flowers beaming energy, like little suns, from their happy place. Far from being a bane, dandelions are among earth’s most precious environmental protectors and should be treated with great respect. Anyone who thinks nutrition-sucking, water-guzzling grass is more important than a plant which can sustain our bodies and nourish the earth has got at least one screw loose! So, before you spray “weed” killer on these precious beauties, please think twice!