Stones and crystals have been around for as long as the earth has existed. They have witnessed every cataclysmic climactic change, the rise and fall of great civilizations, and the destruction and evolution of millions of species. Now they are witnessing over-population, global warming – all the maladies of the modern times. And, because crystals are an inseparable part of the planet, they care very much about actions that affect the earth.
Crystals represent an ancient, stable consciousness; one with deep wisdom and first-hand experience of the true nature of the earth and its changes. My own experience with crystals, as well as that of others, teaches us that – like all conscious beings -- crystals have their own mission and agenda on earth. Part of this agenda often includes assisting other creatures on the planet in their own healing and evolution. This is a great gift, to which anyone who has ever had a “miraculous” healing from using crystals can attest.
Many people take crystals for granted. They use them for decorative reasons, without thought of their nature or, worse, they try to pervert the power of crystals for less-than-noble uses. Because of abuses pressed upon crystals in the past, some have shut down, refusing to allow their energy to be used for dark purposes. Others have stepped up their game, sending out energy to attract to themselves those who can utilize them according to their true purpose.
Selecting Chrystals for Personal Use
There are many reasons that one may be inspired to purchase or mine for crystals. If you're a healer, you may be interested in how they can be used to supplement your work, or you may have a particular malady you wish to self-heal. Often, a person's initial choice may be guided by experts' recommends. This is a good starting place but my guidance for beginners would be to use a more personal, intuitive appraoch as the starting point and expand out from there. Here are my suggestions for selecting crystals for the highest good.
1. Before even consulting a reference book, always begin by checking in with your Higher Self. YOU know things that no book can tell you. So spend some time in a relaxed receptive state, utilizing meditation or whatever method you prefer. Ask your Higher Self, as well as any angels, ascended masters or other spirit guides in your life, what crystal would be most effective in assisting you with your particular need. Pay attention to any impressions you get, colors you see, and synchronicities while out in the world. For this part of the journey, follow the same suggestions as those recommended in the article, Working with Totems and Allies.
2. Once you feel you have received some direction concerning what stone may be best, go back and have another time of meditation or, if you prefer, you can take a shamanic journey to the land of crystals where all the vibrant colors of the rainbow are represented in crystalline beings and bright, brilliant light. See if you can find the stone you are looking for in that place and ask it if it would be your ally in the healing work you wish to do, whether on yourself or others. It may seem like a lot of work -- or maybe even silly to some -- to pray, listen, and seek permission to use certain crystal, compared to just looking for an answer in a book . But when you take the time to approach crystals with respect, recognizing them as conscious beings with a will of their own, you will be surprised how much more power you can access. Like all things in shamanism, it's about relationship so begin, first, by seeking to connect with the spirit of the crystal.
3. Once you have permission to use that crystal, go ahead and look it up. What do other people connected with crystals have to say about it? How does it match up or differ from what you're hearing intutively? If you feel lead to use the crystal in a way that is different than others have recorded, trust that you are hearing from the crystal itself and what it wants to do.
4. Now it's time to acquire one on the physical level. Start by asking Great Spirit, your guides, and/or your Higher Self to lead you to the best place to find the right stone for you. This may come to you as a gift, a synchronistic find, or you could be lead right to the perfect store. If you find a stone (plant, or anything) in nature that you would like to take home, always ask it for permission to remove it from its natural setting. If you sense a message, or feel an energy of joy or love eminating from it, then you have got the go-ahead. Be careful how you remove the item, always leaving as little "footprint" as possible on nature. Then, leave a gift in return, such as tobacco or corn meal. I always carry a little pouch with me, when out in nature, so I can leave something little gifts behind to thank the Mother for her blessings.
5. If you are going to a store to buy one, spend some time first just looking at the selection without touching any. Try to sense the energy of each stone and see if one jumps out at you. Does any stone seem to just catch your eye? Do any keep rolling or falling in your direction? I have had a few stones literally jump off the counter at me when I was looking. If that happens, look no further! Next, pick it up and hold it in your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes and open yourself to its energy. Then ask if it is the one for you? Wait for a sense of "yes," or "no." If I don't hear anything, I always put the stone back and continue on. If you get a "yes," you're in business.
6. When you get a stone home, always begin by thanking it for choosing to come into your life and serve you. Then clear and charge it by placing it in the sun for a few days to weeks. If you can leave it somewhere it also gets moonlight, all the better. In general, crystals don't like being in stores and they particularly don't enjoy flourescent lights and glass cabinets. So it's always good to pay attention to their needs first, before attempting to utilize them. When you can pick it up and sense that it feels refreshed, then it is ready to use.
As you begin your work with crystal allies, it is important to continue to listen for any guidance the crystal itself may give you. Remember this is a relationship and keep the lines of communication open as to how it wants to do its work. Also, always treat it like you would a good friend or lover. Wrap it in velvet or silk, put in a beautiful box, or store it in a place of honor. If not in use for a while, be sure to take them out regularly, exposing them to light and sun, and give them some attention. I recommend you do something weekly, if not daily, with your stones. Bring them flowers or herbs to wrap up with them, rattle or sing to them, take them on walks in nature, etc. Your crystals will soak up the love you send, returning it back to you in amped up healing power.