Soaring high in the sky, hawk is considered a messenger of Great Spirit, carrying messages down to us on earth. When we see a hawk, it is time to listen up.
Hawk’s shrill cry has been considered by many native peoples a signal to be aware or beware. It is a powerful omen meant to jar the awareness, telling you to pay attention; something is about to happen. It could be the birth of child, the approaching of an enemy, or your own power about to burst forth. Whatever may be, it is your responsibility to perceive, receive and utilize the message. Those born with hawk as totem also have a responsibility to bring the forth the messages of Spirit without interpretation or judgment, passing them along in pure form. Hawk urges us all to raise our awareness, awake from our slumber, and put ourselves in full gear, preparing for what is to come.
If you need guidance for something in your life, hawk is an excellent ally to pursue. Take a hike out where you can sit with the hawks, meditating on their grace and power. If you find hawk feathers, tie them in a bundle and hang them above your bed, asking for dreams to come from Spirit. Also, be very aware if hawks show up unexpectedly in your life, cutting in front of your car or presenting other strange encounters while you are out and about. These are definite calls to be vigilant in your awareness.
Hawks are fearless birds, with powerful beaks and talons that can tear the head off a snake in an instant. And this they do, often attacking poisonous snakes with such speed and precision that the snake has not a chance. If you have difficulty speaking your mind or expressing your true self, hawk is a great totem to call upon for it can give you great strength. But those born under this totem must be mindful that their own energy can be very intense, and be careful not to “bite people’s heads off” for, if uncontrolled, hawk energy can hurt and damage others.
Hawks are sometimes attacked by smaller birds ganging up on them and this is something good to remember. Sometimes, when you are flying high, others may be resentful or not understand your unique creative journey. When such attacks come, Hawks are well protected. In addition to their beak and talons, they also have scaled legs to protect them from poisonous bites. If you feel someone trying to take a bite out of you, remember that you can soar above the pettiness and attacks, circling around your life to view the whole with detachment.
The color of the tail feathers on red-tailed hawks is associated with the activation of kundalini and the expression of it in your life. When red-tailed hawk shows up, it is a signal that your visions and/or childhood dreams are awakening and ready to come forth. It is time for you to wake up, be fully activated, and allow the expression of your vital energies on earth.
Red-tailed hawks often make one place their home for life and this permanency is reflected in their faithfulness as allies. It is said that hawks will generally not become an ally to one until they are ready for mature work or have activated their kundalini. Yet, once they do, they can be permanent guides on the path.
Hawks are long-lived birds, often living up to 14 years. This number is significant; associated with astral projection and, again, the activation of higher energies. If hawk comes into your life, it could be signaling a time of rapid development and an increase in psychic abilities and hawk teaches the balance of those energies for right use in discovering and manifesting our true life purpose. When these powerful and fiery energies activate, you may find it helpful to meditate on the 14th card in the Tarot deck, Temperance, as well as the number 14.
In summary, Hawk spirit carries messages between heaven and earth and can assist in activating and developing our higher energies. Hawk can teach us to effectively hunt for our life’s purpose, to express ourselves in powerful ways, and to fly high above it all, viewing our life as a balanced whole. Hawk medicine is most powerful around the time of spring and fall equinox, so don’t delay. Now is the time to wake up, pay attention, and grab some of the creative, activating energy of Red-Tailed Hawk. Ho! Thank you Spirit.