Session Descriptions
The following information is provided so you may make the most informed decision possible regarding what type of session will work best for your goals and circumstances.
Standard Illumination Session - 90 mins
People often come to this work during difficult times: depressed, discouraged... feeling like they've tried everything but still can't get over the "hump." Others can not remember the original imprinting event(s) that affect them and are challenged with putting their finger on exactly what they need. Some require assistance in identifying the prevalent patterns and/or guidance in shapeshifting the beliefs and behaviors that hold their vibrational state at the level it is. Still others have imprinting from what we classify extreme trauma.*
If you identify with any of the descriptions above, we highly recommend this Standard-length Session (or Extended "Supersessions") for Illumination and Light Body Activation, as this allows time to provide other forms of healing and guidance as indicated during the session. Examples of this include cord cutting and healing, entity extraction, spontaneous soul retrieval, rebirthing, kundalini activations, third eye openings, wrapping clients in high-dimensional energetic healing coccoons, guiding clients in healing meditations to ground new energies, etc. These unplanned events that arise during the Illumination Process can be more fully attended to in an extended session. These sessions are also very nice for those who simply like the warm, fuzzy feeling of receiving lots of love and personal attention. Plenty of time to sink into warm "ju-ju" love and light. :)
Chakra Activation & Tune Up - 30 mins In these “mini-Illumination” sessions, Ashandra-Aah accesses each chakra, spins out any readily-apparent dense energies, and closes by pulling in the highest dimensional energy one’s body can hold at the moment. Sessions do not include discussion about, or specific targeting of, Light Body imprints. The focus is entirely on the health of the chakras and the optimum movement of energies through the system, clearing clogged channels and allowing new energy flow to parts of the body which may have formerly been deprived. If received regularly, these mini-sessions may, over time, have a greater accumulative activation effect on the DNA and entire Light Body System. For those who can not afford more in-depth work, these sessions are recommended two to three times a month. For those undergoing or having completed a full course of Illumination Healing Sessions, these may be used as “tune-ups” between sessions or after completing the bulk of your work. Extended Light Body Activations - 90 mins
Since the Luminous Energy Field can be so easily cleared during its highly excited state, the Light Body activation process is an ideal time to work on clearing and healing of heavy energies, past life traumas, entity attachments, etc. A combined session provides the additional time and freedom to go into other such areas of need that become apparent during the process itself. Combined sessions of Light Body Activation, clearing and healing are recommended for those particularly interested in ascension work or accelerated growth and healing on their path. Combined sessions are not intended to replace the Illumination Healing Modality but, for those who can only commit to 4 sessions or want the deepest Light Body activation experience possible, this is an excellent alternative.
Though how we are imprinted has a lot to do with our perceptions at the time, examples of extreme trauma may include rape, birth trauma, childhood abuse, execution in a past life; living through or dying in times of war, famine or plague.
Extended "Supersession" - 2 Hours
This is actually the typical format for many practicing shamans the world over. This session length provides time to do buckets of healing work at a very deep level. Highly effective for people with past-life or early-childhood trauma, extremely stuck patterns from repeated imprinting of the same thing (such as constant childhood abuse), medical challenges, and other strongly-seated, deeply-rooted issues.
These sessions are recommended once a month for those wanting to really get un-stuck and healed from negative, heavy energies or for those who, for any reason, can not have standard sessions on the recommended regularly scheduled basis.
Transpersonal or Shamanic Counseling - 55 minutes
In the work of clearing emotional baggage, establishing new frequencies and manifesting one's dreams, the value of ongoing counseling, training, coaching and support cannot be overestimated. If you come to this work with multiple issues, deep imprinting from repeated exposure to the same message (eg. you'll never amount to anything, be seen not heard, etc.), feel overwhelmed or discouraged, or have little experience in self-actualizing and manifesting from an energy-based perspective, we recommend you consider adding shamanic counseling and mentorship to your inventory of healing reasources.
To schedule an appointment, choose what type of session you want, click on the payment page above, make payment, then contact us to arrange an appointment time.
Fee Structure
Chakra Activation/Tune Up: $30
Standard Illumination Session: $150
New Client Illumination (1st session): $200
Extended Shamanic "Super-Session": $200
Shamanic counseling, mentorship & support: $60
Pre-paid Standard Package: 4 Sessions for $520**(Save 14%!)
**Can not be applied to a new client session. To encourage optimum benefit of the sessions, and because we can not guarentee indefinite availability, all prepayment packages must be used within six months of purchase. No refunds will be given.
Light Body / DNA Activation Series
These activations build upon one another and must be done in order. With each new activation, the previous one(s) are repeated to refresh and update the energies. Each session takes longer than the preceeding one; hence the graduated cost.
Session 1: 5th dimension Activation - $50
Session 2: 6th dimension Activation - $75
Session 3: 7th dimension Activation - $85
Session 4: DNA Activation - $120
Prepaid LBA Activation Package - $295** (Save 10%)
Combined LBA/ Shamanic Clearing Session: $150
If you have or ARE benefiting from sessions with us and would like to help another do so, please consider donating to our fund for low-income individuals. You'll feel good knowing you helped a fellow traveler find peace and freedom and reclaim his/her power. It's also a great way to promote light on the planet and move us toward ascension that much faster! :) All donations are tax-deductible.
Engaging in the Work An Article by Ashandra-Aah
Coming soon! - An article on self-sovereignty and your responsibility in light work. To receive this article, sign up for our newsletter below.